Joe has been a follower of Jesus since 1997. He has a passion for preaching and teaching to equip followers of Jesus to use the gifts God has given them. He has been married to Sarah for 17 years. They have 3 wonderful children.
Ministry Philosophy
To make disciples of Jesus who boldly live out their faith by loving God and others. My role is to equip other believers to fulfill their role in the body of Christ as we work together to fulfill the great commission. This is done by making the unchanging truth of God’s word the foundation of what we do, while being adaptable in our methods and approach to reach the lost with the good news of Jesus.
Testimony and Call to Ministry
I was raised in a broken household where alcoholism and abuse was the norm. God delivered me and my brother Daniel from that situation when our oldest brother, Greg, and his wife, Tyka, were granted custody of us. We began attending various churches and eventually landed at First Christian Church of Titusville. On July 20, 1997, I surrendered my life to Jesus in baptism. A year or two after that, I felt that God was calling me into full-time ministry. At a Christ in Youth convention in Tennessee, I surrendered that call and devoted my self to the service of the Church as my life’s focus. I sensed that God wanted to use my passion for his word and my life experiences to minister to others.
Statement of Faith
I believe in: God the Father, who sovereignly reigns over creation; Jesus the Son, whose death and resurrection have bought forgiveness of sins for those who accept this free gift by faith; the Holy Spirit who dwells within those who place their trust in Christ to provide comfort, conviction, remembrance of Scripture, and help the believer become more like Jesus. I believe that the Bible is God inspired, provides knowledge sufficient for life, faith, and salvation, and reveals God’s plan to bring salvation to mankind. The church is consisted of those who have placed their faith in Jesus where each member fulfills the role for which they are gifted by God and works together to fulfill the Great Commission. Jesus will return without notice in order to judge the living and the dead.