Joe Schneider


This page contains links to sermons given during my last two ministries at First Christian Church of O’Neill (July 2020 – Present) and  West Union Christian Church (January 2015-January 2020). Those from FCC can be accessed from the livestreams on their YouTube page. Sermons from WUCC are embedded below and are are organized by sermon series, with the news listed first. Also, during our COVID stay-at-home order, I live-streamed some devotions to Facebook.

The latest three series at FCCO are embedded below.

Joy Even Though (Philippians) (May ’22 – June ’22)

Gospel of Mark (Jan ’22 – April ’22)

Songs of Joy (Nov ’21 – Dec ’21)

When God Gives Thanks (November ’21)

Reboot (September ’21 – October ’21)

© 2024 Joe Schneider

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